Used Cars in Canton, MA with $300/month Payments | Find Used Cars Near You ≡ MENU

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Used Cars > $300 / month > Massachusetts > Canton, MA

Used Cars in Canton Under $300 a month

Having trouble finding a cheap monthly payment used car in Canton? Don't let finding a used car in Canton, MA get you down. Car Payments Under has dealers in Canton and the surrounding area that are ready to help car buyers in EVERY credit situation. We help bad credit car buyers find the right car for them in Canton with monthly payments under $300 a month.

Your monthly payment may vary depending on several factors like your credit and how much you put down. As always, a larger down payment will give you a lower monthly payment. If you're hunting for your next used car in Canton and not sure where to start - submit an online auto loan request and we will connect you with a local used car dealer that has options like buy here pay here, no money down, and reduced monthly payments.

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Monthly or weekly lending payments for people with credit are based on an estimated car loan term of 72 months and an auto finance interest rate based on a less than perfect credit with no money down towards the pre-owned affordable dealership's used car list price. Automobile sales tax, and local MA used car lot fees were not included when calculating an auto loan payment less than $300 a month, or under $79 per week. If you cannot budget money to pay the TT&L fees when buying a used car, add an additional $55 per month for every $1,000 borrowed from the auto loan lender.