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Used Cars with Low Monthly Payments

Narrow your used car search by selecting a monthly car loan payment you can afford within your budget:

Credit Scores & Ratings

My Credit Score is Closest To:

To find the auto financing rate that you qualify for, either check your credit score, or request an auto loan before visiting local area used car lots.

Search by Credit Rating:

Used Cars by Payment in our Top Cities

If you're on the hunt for a used car by monthly payment then you're in the right place. We have a nationwide network of dealers that are available to help used car buyers who may or may not be credit challenged get back on the road. We understand your funds may be tight and you can only afford so much per month for a cheap used car for sale near you.

Select from our top cities below for a used car by payment:

Used Car Inventorys OVERSTOCKED

You heard that right, many of the cheap used car dealers in our nationwide network are overstocked. Due to lower auto loan interest rates and the improvement of credit scores nationwide, more and more car buyers are able to buy brand new vehicles leaving these used car dealerships near you stocked with used car trade-ins. It has never been a better time to finance a used car or find a used car by payment near you. You can get connected to a cheap used car dealer near you, today.

We have dealers in every state that are available to help car buyers with all types of credit. Here are the most popular states our users are from:

Auto Loans & Credit Scores

You'd be surprised how many car buying websites list the dealership asking price and don't factor in monthly payments or the car buyer's information, pretty much all of them do. This is what makes Car Payments Under different. We show cheap used cars at dealerships near you that are within your defined budget and credit score at dealers that work with all types of credit.

The dealer will factor in three main things when calculating a monthly payment for a used car:

  1. The age of the vehicle
  2. The mileage of the vehicle
  3. The credit history of the borrower

Keep in mind the above three factors are not the only things dealers will assess. To get the best chances for approval or improve your chances for the best auto loan interest rate you should meet all of these requirements:

  1. Proof of Income ($1,500/month pre-tax)
  2. Full Time Employment
  3. At least 18 Years Old
  4. Verified Identification (Drivers License)
  5. A Credit Score

The truth is a credit score may not always be required as there may be no credit check car dealers near you. However, it is best to have some sort of credit history to assist in the dealer or lender deciding on your credit worthiness. Get tips on how to improve your credit score so you can give yourself the best odds at the dealer. The requirements outlined above are not always 100% guaranteed and may change based on the lender or dealer.

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